About MandyPerkins

An Entrepreneur who is passionate about being a force for good in people's lives....

Week: 14 ~ Thoughts


I found this beautiful post on Dr Wayne Dyers Facebook Page about thoughts & I thought it was worth sharing… I love the analogy of them being energy.

What you focus on GROWS… We need to be mindful of what we are feeding our minds and souls on a daily basis… everything that you watch, read and focus on becomes the canvas for your reality… The choice is yours…..



Week 13: Timeout

I think we forget the power of taking the timeout to spend recharging our batteries… it is not always easy to do and it requires commitment… especially in modern day living with all our smart devices and technology.

I have loved these past few days where I have been able to switch off and reconnect with Mandy again and remember what it is that I am wanting out of life again… so I will be rewriting my DMP and getting myself realigned with my MKMMA journey.


you have to stand still to move forward… so I am standing still and enjoying the moment.

Have a blessed week special people…


Week 11: I am still here…

So I have been battling with my old blue print over the last month and I was very close to not continuing my MKMMA journey, something that I have been waiting for ages to do.

Along with my old blue print, the world within has created a few external circumstances that have added to making things a tad bit more challenging…. such as finances and my ability to connect to the internet… BUT I have recommitted and I am here… & it feels AWESOME!

I do not have all the solutions BUT I know that I want to complete this journey and I have absolute faith that my dreams are on their way to me…

I believe in me & I will persist!


Week 10: Chugging Along…


I will persist until I succeed…

I am not out of the woods yet…  & I have come close to quitting a few times, but this little picture is my motivation….

I have also had huge internet connectivity problems which has been one of my biggest challenges as I have not been able to keep up with all of the projects, tasks and webinars…. BUT we are in the process of sorting this out which will make my journey so much easier & cheaper, as my internet fees have been astronomical!

On the positive side my business is starting to take off… so excited!
My DMP is on its way to me!!!!

See you all next week,


Week 9: My Guide to the Rescue…


So I decided to contact my guide on Sunday Night to ask for help, something that I am not very good at doing, as according to my very stern, must get everything right Old Blue Print to ask for help is to show weakness, as I have always had to be strong and have my ducks in a row and do everything 110% right.
So you can only imagine the chaos that started to erupt in my internal world when I started to lose grip on certain tasks, it felt like my entire MKMMA experience had slipped through my fingers and because I was not getting it ALL right, I was about 5 steps from giving up… something that I am also totally against… which is probably my saving grace as it is what made me contact Luc for help.

Let me also tell you that if you still do not believe that your internal world creates your external world, my last 2 weeks are testimony to the fact that it does. The lack of belief with regards to myself started to seep into all aspects of my life and before I knew it I had manifested circumstances in my external world to validate my internal world.
So at the moment it feels like I have undone all the hard work of the last 6 weeks and I have to start from the beginning again ~ which is OK, as it is better than quitting!

Anyway so all I can say is a HUGE THANK YOU to my guide for taking the time to help me see that it was my old blue print and not me failing… so here’s my action plan.

I promise to….

For the rest of the week I promise to spend time affirming my faith in myself to conquer my old blue print, while affirming my faith in the MKMMA course.

Do my 15min sit EVERY DAY – non negotiable!
Read my DMP out loud 3 x a day with enthusiasm.
Read my BPB out loud Daily (I love this)
Read GS 3 x a day as directed.

Then my other tasks will follow… & I always keep my promises…Mandy

Week 8: Hanging in there


I must be honest and say that the last week on my MKMMA journey has not been the easiest….

Life has thrown a few curve balls… so at the moment I feel like I am hanging on by a thin thread…. but at least I am hanging on….

Tomorrow is another day and a new beginning….

Here’s to week 9….



Week 7: Visualisation


“The key to effective visualisation is to create the most detailed, clear and vivid a picture to focus on as possible. The more vivid the visualisation, the more likely, and quickly, you are to begin attracting the things that help you achieve what you want to get done.” GSP

I have loved the week 7 read this week. Once again making it so clear as to why we are having to do all these execises and the importance of getting our DMP just right.

I love being able to go into my imagination to visualise my life… I can literally feel it, taste it, touch it and smell it! It is such an emotional experience when you realise for the first time that it is actually happening around you right now… How AWESOME is that?!

“Visualisation is the process of making mental images, and the image is the mold or model which will serve as a pattern from which your future will emerge.”
(Master Keys, Week 7)

I am off to go and work on my mold for my future self,
Have a super week,



Week 6: I greet this day…

il_fullxfull-351596060It was such an awesome start to November when I opened “The Greatest Salesman in the World” by Og Mandino to start the second scroll… what a beautiful read! I look forward to reading the beautiful words everyday… This is what I strive for… to start with love in my heart and bring it into every encounter that I have throughout the day. Such a powerful scroll.

I have had a brilliant week. Although I have not been 100% on my MKMMA journey this week, I am still proud of my journey this week, as there have been major shifts in my life over the last month, and in particular this week
I have let go of some baggage that has been stealing my light & I am also very excited to say that over the last few weeks I have also managed to conquer a fear of mine that was holding me back within my business.
It is amazing how free you feel when you let go of those fears!

“I greet this day with love in my heart. and most of all I will love myself.” Og Mandino

It is very hard to try to put into words how I am feeling inside as I type this blog…
I feel like I have created the space within to allow my Definite Major Purpose to come into reality & for the first time in a long time I know that I am deserving of this success.
I am stepping into the power I hold within…
There is a lot to be said of freedom that comes from being able to love who you are…

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Week 5: You have it within you….


The last two weeks I have been the observer of my thoughts & actions… without judgement I have just allowed the “I” to observe.
This morning I decided that it was time call a meeting with the “I” and review what I have observed. So I had a little Master Mind with Me, Myself and I.

What I have observed over the last two weeks is this pattern of my old blue print wanting to sabotage my journey within.
This old blue print is incredibly cunning, he shows up just at the tipping point, that fragile moment just as prosperity is about to move, to tell me that I cannot do this.
The amazing thing is that in the past I could see it happening and yet I did nothing about it. It was easier for me to just let it dictate my outcome… BUT NOT THIS TIME!
I am fighting back… I made a promise… a promise that I have been reading everyday for nearly a month now…
“And I make a solemn oath to myself that nothing retards my new life’s growth.” Og Madino

I am growing & the fact that my old blue print is fighting back, means I am on the right track! So I am putting my head down, focusing on the exercises and moving forward…

Today while driving I had another amazing observation.
Since including the “Law of Giving”  into my daily drill I have witness the most amazing shift in my world.
This for me is what it is all about.
“This power is from within, but we cannot receive it unless we give it.”
Master Keys, Part 5.

We all have the mighty lion within us…
