Week 2: The Force Is Strong In This One…


Wow… this week I have felt like I am Jedi Knight who has just started his training with the wise and noble Yoda & as I try to implement my training and exercises, I have the Dark Side of the Force, my old Blue Print, trying to sabotage my every move!

I have enjoyed observing myself through this process this week, it has been amazing to see how my Old Blue Print, the Dark Side of the force, has tried to sabotage my journey within and how this has manifested in the world without.

Becoming a Jedi Knight takes courage, it takes constant practice and commitment. It means digging in deep even when your whole body and mind is telling you not to and that you will never be able to find the time or that you do not have what it takes to complete the task at hand. It takes great strength to shut off from this voice… but the Force is Strong in this One & I will do this because “It Is My Will to be a Slave to Good Habits.”

As the week has gone on and I have persevered, it has been amazing to feel the slow shift within my body & in my external world. I am slowly starting to feel the connection within and the excitement and energy of my New Blue Print.  I am not out of the woods, by no means, and there is still loads of work to be done BUT I am feeling way better than I did at the beginning of the week and I cannot wait for the next step in my journey to creating the life of my dreams.

“I will cause others to believe in me, because I will believe in them. and in myself.”

I always keep my promises,


12 thoughts on “Week 2: The Force Is Strong In This One…

  1. Great post Mandy and a very appropriate Jedi Knight analogy.
    I think we’re all going to experience much resistance from our old blueprint and may be surprised at how quickly we see real changes in our outer world. All the best on your journey!


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