Week 9: My Guide to the Rescue…


So I decided to contact my guide on Sunday Night to ask for help, something that I am not very good at doing, as according to my very stern, must get everything right Old Blue Print to ask for help is to show weakness, as I have always had to be strong and have my ducks in a row and do everything 110% right.
So you can only imagine the chaos that started to erupt in my internal world when I started to lose grip on certain tasks, it felt like my entire MKMMA experience had slipped through my fingers and because I was not getting it ALL right, I was about 5 steps from giving up… something that I am also totally against… which is probably my saving grace as it is what made me contact Luc for help.

Let me also tell you that if you still do not believe that your internal world creates your external world, my last 2 weeks are testimony to the fact that it does. The lack of belief with regards to myself started to seep into all aspects of my life and before I knew it I had manifested circumstances in my external world to validate my internal world.
So at the moment it feels like I have undone all the hard work of the last 6 weeks and I have to start from the beginning again ~ which is OK, as it is better than quitting!

Anyway so all I can say is a HUGE THANK YOU to my guide for taking the time to help me see that it was my old blue print and not me failing… so here’s my action plan.

I promise to….

For the rest of the week I promise to spend time affirming my faith in myself to conquer my old blue print, while affirming my faith in the MKMMA course.

Do my 15min sit EVERY DAY – non negotiable!
Read my DMP out loud 3 x a day with enthusiasm.
Read my BPB out loud Daily (I love this)
Read GS 3 x a day as directed.

Then my other tasks will follow… & I always keep my promises…Mandy

6 thoughts on “Week 9: My Guide to the Rescue…

  1. Mandy, you are fantastic and your courage and determination have brought tears in my eyes! Isn’t it amazing that at the moment you think you are failing, you are actually preparing the victory over your old blueprint! I am proud to be your guide in this wonderful MKMMA experience!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Mandy, This was a very emotional and inspiring post. I am so happy you called Luc. Sometimes when we feel like failure has hit us the hardest, we are only steps away from success. So glad your on track….”You Can Do It” We would all miss you! Thanks for shining your light on all of us!

    Liked by 3 people

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